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The School Curriculum


At St Veronica's, we follow the government's requirement of teaching a set range of subjects known as the "National Curriculum."  This includes core subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science and RE, which form a significant part of our timetable.  Additionally, foundation subjects like History, Geography, Design Technology, Music, Art and PE make up the remaining time.  We also teach Computing using the Rising Stars Scheme of Work and German is introduced in Key Stage 2.


Our teachers create long-term plans for each subject, carefully outlining the curriculum objectives and content to be covered.  From these long-term plans, class-based curriculum maps are developed.  These maps provide more detail of the topics and themes to be explored throughout the academic year, both at class level and, where necessary, class and subject level.  They serve as a roadmap for delivering the curriculum in a coherent and comprehensive manner.  Furthermore, to support a child's learning and understanding, we provide knowledge organisers.  These handy short guides contain key information, facts and concepts related to the topic areas and themes, empowering our children with the knowledge they need to succeed.  As our long term plans and curriculum intents are typically written with the whole school or multiple classes in mind and they are located a little lower down this page as opposed to within your child's individual class pages.


Each half term we explore an exciting new theme based on the Lancashire Topic Material.  While we use this as a foundation for our learning, we have tailored it to create a more unique and bespoke experience for our children.  Some units are not linked to the Lancashire Topic Material but have been thoughtfully designed by our teachers to align with specific themes.  Our teachers plan lessons in both core and foundation subjects that revolve around the class topic.


If you would like more information about the Lancashire Topic Material or the more bespoke units we have developed, we have placed the bulk of our curriculum content such as Curriculum Maps, Newsletters, Knowledge Organisers and other relevant content in your child's class pages in Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 and our formal curriculum policies are within our Policies page under the "Curriculum" section.  You can also reach out to your child's class teacher via email on their class page or catch a convenient word at school.


As a Roman Catholic school, we place a strong emphasis on RE.  Our syllabus adheres to the current Salford Diocesan RE Guidelines, known as "Come and See," ensuring a meaningful and comprehensive religious education for our children.

Curriculum Long Term Plans

Our Long Term Plans are listed below for your convenience.


Curriculum Intent Documents

Our whole school Curriculum Intent documents are listed below for your convenience.


Other Documents

Other school-wide documents relating to our curriculum delivery such as posters, leaflets, visions, and so on, are available here for your convenience too.

Wellbeing throughout our PSHE Curriculum

At St. Veronica's, wellbeing is fundamental and we strive to provide children with learning that will help them to make informed choices to improve their mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing. Throughout our PSHE curriculum, wellbeing is broken down into 'SHANARRI' (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included) and is deliberately developed throughout our PSHE lessons. 


Protected Characteristics 

At St. Veronica’s, we work to teach our children to respect others, strive for equality and celebrate each other’s differences.


The Equality Act became law in 2010. It covers everyone in Britain and protects people from discrimination, harassment and victimisation. This protects people against discrimination because of the protected characteristics that we all have.


Under the Equality Act, there are nine protected characteristics:

1. Age

2. Disability

3. Gender reassignment

4. Race - including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin

5. Religion or belief

6. Marriage or civil partnership

7. Sex

8. Sexual orientation

9. Pregnancy and maternity


Children are encouraged to visit our ‘Protected Characteristics’ tree and leave suggestions on how we can make our school a more inclusive environment. Throughout our PSHE scheme the protected characteristics are explored at an age appropriate level.


No form of discrimination is tolerated at St. Veronica’s RC Primary School and our children show respect for those who share the protected characteristics.


Below are the PSHE curriculum maps for each year group with annotations detailing where the protected characteristics are targeted during lessons.


British Values

At St Veronica's, we recognise the importance of actively promoting British values within our school community.  Our aim is to ensure that our children are well-prepared for life in modern Britain in accordance with the guidelines set by the Department for Education.


As a school, we strive to cultivate an environment where children can learn to respect and tolerate people of all races, faiths, and cultures.  We encourage them to understand that different people may hold differing views on what is right and wrong.  Nevertheless, we ensure that they are aware that all individuals living in England are bound by the law, and we teach them to appreciate the importance of upholding these laws for the good of the community.


The Key Values are:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Relationship and Sex Education is the lifelong learning of our physical, moral and emotional development. It concerns the understanding of the importance of stable and loving relationships, respect and care. 


At St Veronica’s R.C. Primary School, in line with our Mission Statement, we hold as paramount the importance and value of all persons in school and, by extension, in society. We firmly believe that positive relationships in a loving, caring and respectful environment enable our children to freely learn, develop to their full potential, and make responsible and mature choices. Effective Relationships and Sex Education is essential in order to equip young people with the knowledge to be responsible and to make well-informed decisions about their lives, their safety and the people around them. 


The aims of the RSE Curriculum are:


  • To prepare children for puberty and understand their feelings and changes to their bodies as they grow and develop.
  • To teach about the importance of family life and to respect the make-up of different types of families.
  • To teach and promote self-respect.
  • To teach and promote tolerance and respect for everyone, regardless of their background.
  • To ensure children have correct and age-appropriate vocabulary for discussing their bodies.
  • To correct misconceptions and distorted information.
  • To understand the dangers associated with online technologies and develop strategies for keeping safe.
  • To contribute to a better understanding of diversity and inclusion.
  • To teach children the importance of self-control and cope with influences of their peers and the media.
  • To know who they should turn to if they are worried about anything.