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Admissions and Class Vacancies

We understand that the admissions process can be a little stressful with lots of things to consider across lots of schools.  Our school community is here to support and guide you.  We can help you through the application process to make it as easy as possible.


If you are considering sending your child to our school, we invite you to contact us to arrange a personalised visit or speak with a member of our staff.  We would be happy to answer any questions you may have and provide you with more information about our school and our approach to education.  We also offer open days and coffee mornings throughout the year.  We really look forward to hearing from you and welcoming your child into our school community.


We believe that every child has the potential to succeed and thrive and we are dedicated to helping our children achieve their full potential.  You have discovered just a taste what St Veronica's has to offer your child, so what comes next?



Are you applying for the next reception intake in September 2025?


We are deeply humbled by your decision to entrust your child's education to us and we pledge to uphold the responsibility that comes with it to the fullest extent.  Our commitment to you and your child is to provide a safe and nurturing environment that promotes learning, personal growth and character development.  Our Admissions policy at the bottom of this page outlines the criteria for admission for the next reception intake.  This criteria will only be applied in the case of over-subscription.


Your next steps:

  • If you want to come and meet us, please do!  Simply call 01706 226315 or email and we'll get you sorted
  • Applications are made via as Lancashire County Council handle the admissions processes on our behalf *see bottom of page for more information


Or are you interested in transferring?


We understand that the outcome of the schools application process can be a stressful and emotional experience for parents and sometimes choices don't go the way we expected or wanted.  Or perhaps you are currently exploring the possibility of enrolling your child in a different school and are understandably mindful of the potential impact that such a change may have on them.  We want to reassure you that we understand.  Remember that there is always a way forward.  We recognise that selecting the right school for your child can be a challenging and emotional decision and we are here to support you in any way we can and make the transition as smooth as possible. 


We are delighted to inform parents that we currently have some spaces available for children to join our school across all our classes, including limited spaces in this year's Reception intake from September 2023.  You need not be in our catchment area nor of a particular faith.  You can join us anytime of year.  Our school community is dedicated to providing an exceptional education and a supportive environment for all children, underpinned by the teachings of the Catholic faith, regardless of their background or abilities.  We welcome children from all walks of life and are committed to promoting a culture of diversity, inclusivity and respect.


Your next step:

  • Simply call 01706 226315 or email and we will take it from there *see bottom of page for more information



If your application form is open and you're ready to continue your tour, how about you get to know some of the staff at St Veronica's via our Meet the Staff page?




* The Admissions and Appeals processes in more detail...

Normal Admissions Round

The normal admissions round takes place for our new Reception intake each September.  For children starting in September 2025, the application window closes on [Date TBC].  As outlined above, Lancashire County Council handle the normal admissions round process for us.  The link to apply is here, but more information regarding the entire process is available here.  If we are at risk of over-subscription and you would like your application to be considered under our faith criteria too, then as well as applying via Lancashire County Council, please also complete the supplementary information form below and email it to us here so it forms part of the process.  As always, if you have any questions in relation to the normal admissions round, please contact us either by email or by phone on 01706 226315 and we will endeavour to help.


In-Year Admissions

'In-Year Admissions' or Transferring is simply the process of admitting a child to our school outside the normal admissions round in September.  In-year admissions may need to take place for a variety of reasons such as moving home or being dissatisfied with existing provision.


You make an application directly to our school in this case and your child will be admitted where there are available places.


To apply for a place, you simply complete our In-Year Admissions form.  It is available just below, but you are welcome to collect one from our school office or, if preferred, receive one by post.  You can return it via email and we will get straight to it, alternatively you are welcome to drop it off in person or post it back to us.  If you would like your application to be considered under our faith criteria too, then in addition to the In-Year Admissions form below, please also complete the supplementary information form.  As always, if you have any questions in relation to in-year admissions, please contact us either by email or by phone on 01706 226315 and we will endeavour to help.

Upon receipt of an in-year application, we aim to notify the parents of the outcome of their application in writing within 10 - 15 school days.  Where places are available, but we have more applications than places, the published over subscription criteria will be applied, to ensure the correct child/children are offered the places.  If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list and you have the right to appeal.



The school's admission appeals are supported by Lancashire County Council.  If the Governing Body cannot offer a school place, parents have the right to make an appeal.  The appeal provides you with an opportunity to explain why you wish to register your child at our school.


Appeals should be submitted by the parent using the following link within twenty days of refusal of admission.  The following link has the appeal forms and advice on how to complete them:


Lancashire County Council will contact the parent in respect of the appeal application and inform them of the arrangements.  They will be notified of the outcome of the appeal in writing.


Further information for parents on how to apply for a local school can be found on the Lancashire County Council website here:


The admissions policy and all the forms you need to get started are below.


Online Forms you can complete right now, electronically

In Year Admission Form
Supplementary Information Form - For Normal School Admissions Round


Paper Forms you can print or acquire from us, fill in and return

Admissions Policy