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Catholic Life of the School

Preparation for First Holy Communion

The leaflet below provides guidance and preparation details for your child's First Holy Communion.


The Five W's

At St Veronica's, we embrace the Five W's, a framework established by Salford Diocese, which guides us in recognising the significance of our actions and striving to walk in the footsteps of God.  It reminds us of what truly matters and inspires us to live with purpose and integrity.


The Five W's are:


  • Word (talk) - we talk together as a word of God's community
  • Welcome (come) - we come together in welcome
  • Welfare (walk) - we walk together as a welfare community
  • Worship (pray) - we pray together as a worship community
  • Witness (work) - we look at our School mission statement and work together as a witness community


Feel free to explore the links below to discover more about how we embrace the Five W's in our school, home-life, and broader community.

RE Stimulus for Teaching

Below are links to some of the materials we utilise in class for Religious Education (RE).  Feel free to explore and engage with the content to enhance your understanding and learning in this subject.


The Last Supper

Palm Sunday celebrations at home.